Mandy Gläser


My Name is Mandy Gläser.
I am 38 Years old, born in the very north of Germany and now living in the very south of Germany.
I was grown up with German shepherds and so also my first dog was a 7 year old German Shepherd from a shelter. After she died for cancer after only half a year I was searching for another dog – loving the shepherds but not able to take another German one i was searching for a Malinois. It was just a Coincidence that i found Kiara – a crossbreed Dutch shepherd with a lot of KNPV-blood in her. With her i did my first steps into IPO dogsports. Because of OCD i have to stop IPO when she was only four years old. But it was enough time for me to find people in this sport that was making me loving the sport and so i year after Bico z Kimovy smečky comes into my live. With him together i did the first exams in IPO and later IGP. Our first IGP 3 we started at the World Championships 2018, when he was no three years old – and we achieved the Vice-Champion there – it was an absolutely incredible feeling ❤
Since this start we competed several championships and never missed a trial. Bico is a very special dog for me – we entered the igp-world in a way i have never thought it is possible.
I love the IGP-Sport a lot – i like the diversity of skills a dog and also a handler needs to be successful in this sport. Especially in Germany its really hard to compete because of very high quality dogsport-people here. So it is also always very important to continue to develop the training, thinking about smallest things to get the full picture as near as possible to perfection.
Its not for everybody, but for me it is an absolutely great sport and i can’t await to start again – now with my Kane after Bico is going with 9 Years in IGP-Pension earlier this year.
I am grateful that I was asked if I would like to support the sports commission for IGP – i am looking forward for a great work together in a team of sportsman for our sportsman of the small dutchie-family.
It is an honor for me to actively support the sports commission in the area of IGP.

Mandy Gläser