5.-7. May
IPO Agility Obedience
Armin Frauenknecht / Austrian High Spirit Agent Ayk
This was an amazing event!
The 2017 WDSF Dutch Shepherd World Championship was the biggest event the Dutch Shepherd family has seen. For the first time there was a World cup for Obedience and Agility.
There were more than 100 competitors in all disciplines from various nations and we saw marvelous performances. It was a celebration of all Dutch Shepherds and dog sports lovers around the world. In the IPO discipline alone there were 47 competitors. This is a real success for the breed and shows the Dutch Shepherd as a real working dog in multiple disciplines .
Congratulations to the new IPO 3 World Champion : Armin Frauenknecht from Germany with Austrian High Spirit Agent Ayk.
Also to the World Cup Winner in Obedience 3: Martina Mimm from Germany with Boyds Bullriding Hipp Hopp and to the World Cup Winner in Agility 3: Lenka Blachovà from the Czech republic with Beroemde Orlith Esaber.
The German kennel club, together with the HSV Jechtingen, did a very good job in organizing and keeping the event moving along. The location and all the facilities were perfect for an event of this magnitude. Thank you!
We hope to see you all again in 2018 in the Netherlands, we will again show the world that the Dutch Shepherd is a good working dog.
This will be the WDSF World Championship five year anniversary! What better place to hold the event, than the Dutch Shepherd origin of birth.

Pictures of the 2017 World Championship can be found here:
Open ceremony / training
Day 1
Day 2
Award ceremony / impressions
Agility by Lenka Blachovaá
Agility and Obedience by Laurece Perée